
Hartford Reporter

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

72.9% of college applicants to Hartford County's 19 universities were admitted for fall 2022

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President Zulma R. Toro | Central Connecticut State University

President Zulma R. Toro | Central Connecticut State University

Hartford County's 19 universities admitted an estimated 72.9% of applicants for fall 2022, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Of those who were admitted, 16.4% enrolled.

Of the 19 institutions in the county, five provided detailed enrollment data at the time, including University of Saint Joseph, Central Connecticut State University and Trinity College.

At least 30,960 people applied to Hartford County colleges in the 2022-23 school year.

NCES data shows that among them, around 30,445 students enrolled in the universities, including 25,452 in undergraduate and 4,993 in graduate programs. In total 7.9% of undergraduates transferred from another college or university.

The reported undergraduate student body is comprised mostly of white (47.5%) and Hispanic (19.7%) students.

Among the institutions that provided disclosed enrollment data, Central Connecticut State University stood out with the largest enrollment at the time, welcoming 9,468 students.

U.S. college enrollment has been in a downward trend since peaking at around 18.1 million students in 2010. Recent increases offered some relief, but experts project a steeper decline in 2025.

This decline is likely due to two main factors. First, the pool of young adults is shrinking as birth rates have fallen nearly 23% between 2007 and 2022. Second, the rising cost of higher education, including skyrocketing student loan debt. A 2023 Wall Street Journal report shows that more than half of Americans think a four-year degree is not worth the cost.

NCES shows that enrollment data was not available for five institutions in Hartford County, including Academy Di Capelli -, Rensselaer at Hartford and Hartford International University for Religion and Peace.

Some educational data is based on estimates. Shifting demographics among student populations can sometimes result in gender totals which do not equal 100%.

Application and Admission in Hartford County Universities Over 5 Years

2018-192019-202020-212021-222022-2305000100001500020000250003000035000Total AdmissionsTotal Applications

Hartford County Universities Admissions for Fall 2022

Institution# of Applicants# of Admitted StudentsTotal Enrollment
Connecticut Aero Tech School------
Central Connecticut State University7,3025,6239,468
Connecticut State Community College----2,395
American Institute-West Hartford----369
Rensselaer at Hartford------
CT Aerotech----51
Goodwin University----3,158
Bristol Technical Education Center----152
Academy Di Capelli -------
International Institute of Cosmetology----175
Porter and Chester Institute of Enfield------
Charter Oak State College----1,602
Trinity College6,2202,2392,205
Lincoln Technical Institute-East Windsor----973
University of Saint Joseph1,6541,2411,992
University of Hartford13,23010,9815,732
University of Connecticut-Hartford Campus2,5542,4771,535
Hartford International University for Religion and Peace------
Lincoln Technical Institute-New Britain----638