
Hartford Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hartford Takes Steps to Curb Mosquito Population


Mayor Luke Bronin | City Of Hartford official website

Mayor Luke Bronin | City Of Hartford official website

HARTFORD, CT  – The City of Hartford Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that this week, it applied mosquito control services in high breeding sites in the City of Hartford in an effort to reduce mosquito activity.  The City has placed treatment in catch basins to control adult mosquito populations in storm drains throughout Hartford and throughout Keney Park over the last few weeks. The City’s catch basins are treated twice over the summer.

The All Habitat Services larvicide program includes regular inspections of high breeding site locations. For this specific program, technicians use three main indicators to determine mosquito activity: the number of larvae, mosquito stage(s), and the landing rate. Dippers are used to sample standing water to assess the stage of the mosquito as well as the number of larvae present. If there is evidence of breeding, the technician applies granular larvicide to that site to curb mosquito breeding activity.

Scooting, or catch basin work, is another part of the municipal mosquito program. Mosquito Field Technicians ride throughout the city on scooters and apply a handful of larvicide into all accessible catch basins.

While not all mosquitoes carry diseases, the City of Hartford Department of Health and Human Services suggests that residents take precautions to minimize their exposure to mosquito bites. These measures include:

  • Wear long, loose fitting, light colored clothing
  • Wear insect repellents according to product labels
  • Avoid mosquito infested areas during prime periods of activity (between dusk and dawn)
  • Install, inspect, and repair window and door screens in homes and stables
  • Regularly clean bird baths and bowls for pet food and water
  • Remove or empty all water-holding containers

Everyone is encouraged to follow the City of Hartford’s Department of Health & Human Services Facebook on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HartfordHealth/ and Twitter at https://twitter.com/hartfordhealth

For more information, please call the City of Hartford Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) at (860) 757-4700.

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Original source can be found here